Monday, January 09, 2012

Jedi Training: Biofeedback Ignition Sequence!

 I posted this screen capture on my Facebook wall recently. What you see here is something I'd never felt before, but I realized later on in the day that it is in fact, an internal 'ignition sequence.' I can hardly wait to see what kind of vehicle gets started when the sequence completes. I've often thought that the human body is a trans dimensional starship...

Had a Quantum Moment last night. Most times I get too caught up in what's going on on the screen in my sessions: Flat lines on a graph, and not the swirling sphere you see in the profile, pulsating in all directions. Last night I stepped outside and stretched out my EM Field into a cloudless sky, under a full moon. Standing at the corner of the Micro and the Macro, between Inner Space and Cyberspace, in the blink of an eye...

There is so much to say about this biofeedback ignition sequencing I've stumbled on. It seems that once I was able to see how far off the chart my Internal Coherence was going, I was able to understand the mechanism that triggers the sequencing. It will take further testing, but it appears I was correct when I said reaching 130%+ Internal Coherence combined with the Spectral Peak at 9hz reaching .6vrms, would be a turning point. It feels like a wormhole opening up...

When the CERN Collider actually FINDS the "God Particle," it will have a "photograph" of a trace of something that has already gone by. I've been saying that I'm using the Heart Tuner as a template for a video game that locates the human Soul, but in fact, I've already accomplished this. The Human EM Field is CONSCIOUS, and when Coherence reaches a certain amplitude (spin density?), its self awareness becomes clearly evident. Now what's left to be done is the physical, quantum journey within, to the place where that Consciousness of the Soul (Magnetic Event) resides.

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