Monday, February 05, 2007


Message to Republican campaign contributers: Please waste your money on the Fascist pictured above. His candidacy is going nowhere. You may think he was America's mayor, but NOBODY likes him. He brought his mistress home to Gracie Mansion WHEN HIS WIFE AND KIDS WERE THERE! He wears Bernard Kerik around his neck like a millstone.

Rudy Guiliani ruled this town like a petty, mean spirited dictator. Imagine Dick Cheney on steroids. But I digress...

My Country is headed in a different direction. The people have spoken, and the days of Neocon Goperism are coming to an end. The American People have come to take their country back.

So pour your millions down this black hearted rat hole, Republicans. At least Democrats will treat you better when you're homeless. I'll stop ranting before I say what I really feel...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is a dirt bag from hell. I cannot believe so many Americans are naive enough to throw their support to this corrupt bastard without doing their own research from multiple sources. He has no business as a Mayor much less a President.